Any Hint to solve : Number of numbers between 1 and n which are divisible by any of the prime numbers less than 20


I am stuck in solving this problem :

Find out the number of numbers between 1 and n which are divisible by any of the prime numbers less than 20.

If N= 5 then the number of numbers are: 4
If N= 10 then the number of numbers are: 11

Any hint to start this, would be reallt helpful.


For starters, if N = 10, the numbers that are divisible by any of the prime numbers upto 20 are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. So answer for N = 10 will be 9.

Hi Abhishek,

I’d a brute force on this problem :

Any idea how to improve on it?


Well here’s something :
Number of numbers in the range [X, Y] divisible by Z is

(Y/Z) - (X/Z) , if X%Z != 0
(Y/Z) - (X/Z) + 1 , if X%Z == 0

Using Above formula, I can now able to calculate on O(N). But there’s a little bug in inclusion-exclusion of numbers may be.

This code is running for some 1-2 test cases. I am unable to rectify it. Please check.


  1. It runs in O(1) not O(N) as O(N) will give TLE.
  2. You’ll have to modify the code. It counts the same number more than once.
    Say N = 10 :
    case 2 : 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
    case 3 : 3, 6, 9
    case 5 : 5, 10
    case 7 : 7

So, you see it’ll output 5+3+2+1 = 11, because 6 and 10 are counted twice. So what you need to do is count only those numbers which are not already considered.


I tried exclusion of number trick to do it. Now the total complexity is :


I ran it for all test case mentioned on coding blocks. Please check if I can improve on it further.

Thanks for replying.

Your code isn’t correct. For N = 100, it gives 99 implying there are no prime numbers between 20 and 100 :smiley:
Approach this way :
In order to exclude 6 and 10 in the example I gave earlier, let the number of numbers divisible by 2 be c1 and that of 3 be c2. Now find the number of numbers that are divisible by 2*3 i.e. 6 (say c3) and put c1 + c2 - c3 in the final result. This was just for 2 and 3, you need to do this for the whole array of {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}.

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what is wrong in this code…i have used inclusion exclusion principle but it fails in 1 test case…

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