Amit and Tree--needed help

my code is giving WA . Pls suggest error in approach.

In your code while taking the input of the edges. Why haven’t you taken the weight of the edge.

88 22 83 14 95 91 98 53 11
2 3 24
3 7 -8
4 1 67
5 1 64
6 9 65
7 5 12
8 6 -80
9 3 8

There are 3 numbers ui, vi, and ci describing an edge b/w ui and vi with a weight ci.
The code for the input should be following.

	ll u, v, c;
	for(ll i=1;i<=n-1;i++){

I have corrected it but still it’s showing wrong answer . pls—

You didn’t initialise the visited array. Make the visited array of type bool. And initialise it with false.

still giving wrong answer

Hey @Nik1
Your code will work fine with all test cases now. Please try again.