ALPHA SCORE Idea to be used

What is it i am doing wrong?
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The logic used was amazing but the code had lots of bugs. I have corrected them. Now it passes all the cases.

Do let me know in case of any problmes.

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Thanks a lot.
Can you tell me what did I do incorrectly or what was i missing?

  1. You weren’t sorting the array in cross function which was required.
  2. Answer should be mod 1000000007 which was missing.
  3. Base case in merge function was missing.
  4. In cross function, the value that was added to alpha number was incorrect.

See the corrected version of your code.


I am sorry but can you explain this line of code
Can we just not add the a[i]?

if a[i]<a[j], this means that answer at j will be added with a[i]. Thats why you are saying that we have to add a[i]. But note that is a[i] < a[j], then a[i] < a[j+1] and a[i] < a[j+2] … as second array from j till end is also sorted. So the answer is added right-j+1 times.

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