1 testcase fail

1 testcase give wrong output
code link:https://ide.codingblocks.com/s/142780

Hey @Rohan_singla,
In the code snippet below:
for(int i=prices.length-1;i>=0;i–){
int count=1;
while(j>0 && prices[j]>=prices[j-1]){

you are comparing prices[j] with prices[j-1] and then decrementing j. Instead do prices[i]>=prices[j-1] and decrement j as you are doing.

hey @sanchit.bansal06
why i have to do thisn change

Hi @Rohan_singla,
We are doing this because if you do a dry run:
say if array length = 5.
We will start with i = 4, then:
j=i -> j = 4
while loop: prices[4]>=prices[3]
in the next iteration prices[3]>=prices[2]
and so on.
Now, it might be possible that, prices[4] is greater than prices[3] but prices[2] is also greater than prices[3] but smaller than prices[4]. In this case you will get a wrong answer. That’s we will always compare only the current element with the previous elements, that is prices[i] with prices[j-1]

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