you can checlk in coding blocks id still it is showing node does not name atype
Regardiing binary tree
if u have any test case then pls share it with me,it will help me in debuggin
you only do it with any test case and tell
and why your compiler is asking first the value why not after running the code we can enter the value worst compiler i have ever seen really
check now->
again you have removed the function before the main how it is running then can u explain
both the functions are there only.
in c++ we first define functions and then write main thats why i put both the functions on top.
btw other ways are also there but then it will take some line of code
no problem expain me if the lines will be extended then also do i am not able to understand this
yes now the code is working but it is not displaying the written output
what input u have given
i have given 3 -1 -1
it is giving correct output , for -1 it is not printing anything becuase we returning back for -1 case
that we have entered the value 3 that u have written but it should get print in next line that entered value is 3 and like whatever it is not printing otherwise wts the meaning of code
check line 3 of thr output , it is printing
no its not the printing line we have to enter 3 data for that one for root , one for left , one for right so same we entered here and u aree telling me that this is ouput
see now evrthing is correct be it code or output.
if u feel it is wrong then trace the code flow and revise ur concept of recursion.
i m not able to print the output pls check i have sent the code
anyone pls help reply
why anyone is not responding since 2 days