You are using dialogflow to work for this.
So this is something the way dialogflow is responding to you, there is nothing done wrong by you.
Making a Conversational Bot
But when Sir typed it was showing the sports hindi news from india .
is this the reason that My agent is not trained that much as compared to Sir??
No its just basically how the agent is understanding your text , it might have understood it wrong . That’s why you weren’t able to to get proper results.
But, why my bot is not understanding text correctly and sir’s bot is understanding correctly though we both have typed exact same text?
Hey @Bhawna ,
I would request to kindly ask your about this , i am too not able to understand this.
According to me , this is something based in dialogflow working . You and mentor are using the same dialogflow api to perform this task.
U are telling to ask to mentor?
did you added intents and entities the same way , mentor did in his lecture video.
I guess that might be the reason that dialogflow is not able to understand your command.
OK …But Sir what about ReplyMarkupKeyboard ??
kindly share a screenshot of your dialogflow console showing what intents have you added into it.
hey @Bhawna ,
The issues that are you using are only due to the agents and entities that you have used for you agent.
You can learn more about them from there documentation.
and for news keyboard markup , have a look at
I apologize to keep you waiting for so long ti understand this.
I hope this would help you.