Codechef long aug

@S19LPPP0202 one mistake is
int count=prev==0?arr[h][i]:arr[h][i]-arr[h][prev-1];
when prev=0,you avoid going out of bounds!
this makes your code pass few test cases. Right now I cannot find more possible bugs,
but for reference you may see my code
If you are unsatisfied you may reopen the doubt.

after making these changes i submitted this code …but it passed only those test cases which i was able to pass through the tle code …rest i am getting wa only…
so there has been no improvement even after so much discussion…
this is code that i recently submitted…

plz check and let me know why i am getting wa even after my logic being correct…i have been thinking over 1 week now…plz help…
how should i pass all test cases…with this logic??which is correct…

for all the test cases your code and my code gives same ans…
i am still not satisfied…i want to submit only through my logic and code…coz that is what matters …

Plz reply to clear the doubt properly…

reply and clear the doubts properly…at the earliest now plz

@S19LPPP0202 I’ve marked your doubt for mentor attention.

When will they reply
Will they reply here only to this doubt…??

We’re unable to find this question on course content. Please ask doubts related to the course content to get proper assistance.

This is related to dynamic programming only…which is in my course…so plz clear the doubt…u teach for interviews …so.u can’t just solve doubts of 5 ques in course on a topic…
This is programming…where.i face a problem I will ask …other institutions also answer these kind of doubts…that is why I bought this course…to learn not to just do cb questions…only
Company don’t ask cb questions only…

Now plz. Clear my doubt …tha ta tried but couldn’t solve …I hope u would be able to …since u are the mentor…